If you love inner-city Melbourne, its diversity, its community, its traditions, its multiculturalism, help us save the Collingwood Community Gardens!

1. Follow our Facebook Page so you can stay informed of developments and share with your networks

2. Sign the petition to show your support

3. Join us THIS SATURDAY, February 12th, for the Save the Community Gardens Rally. It may be your last chance!

4. Contact the following members and say you want them to stop the destruction of the Gardens:

Richard Wynne, member for Richmond:


Facebook: Comment on Comment on Richard’s FB Post on the $860K Grant

Phone: 03 8683 0964

Lily D’Ambrosio Minister for energy, environment and climate change:


Phone: 03 9422 5171

And cc in:

The Community Gardeners


Please take five minutes to do this! Do it on your phone now!

Say something simple, that you want to stop the Collingwood Community Gardens from being destroyed and for the Gardens to be managed by the community, for the community.

This is our last chance. Next week it will all be gone.

We thank you so much!

Contact us at:

We are striving to protect and build on the character and history of this important community space now, with respect for the past and hope for the future…

Please share your ideas of what you would like to see happening as the gardens continue to grow!